Sponsor Open Source Developers

A public list of underrepresented open source developers that can be sponsored via GitHub [ About ]

Hi there 👋

I'm a full-stack web application developer from Brisbane, Australia.

I am passionate about open-source software, privacy, best practices, open standards, idiomatic code, user experience, and developer experience. My favourite stack these days is Laravel, Vue, and Tailwind.

In my day job I write software for the medical industry with a focus on collecting and storing highly structured clinical data using open standards. I also work at Laravel Shift helping to create tools to improve the lives of my fellow developers.

In my spare time, I work on rocketlog.app, an open-source bullet journalling app. I also enjoy making real world things like my talking plant and making my own furniture.

I've spoken at two Laracon's, co-host the BaseCode Podcast, and enjoy contributing to Laravel and other open-source projects as often as I can.

I would love to focus more on open source projects and contributions and your sponsorship would really help with that!


A public list of underrepresented open source developers that can be sponsored via GitHub

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