Hi! My name's Kat and I'm an engineer on the NuGet client team at Microsoft. Before that, I was the lead maintainer/architect of the NPM CLI for like 4 years, and the author of npx. I've also done a bunch of community and D&I work outside of that, along with more non-npm open source!
What I've Done
- npm@5, npx, and npm ci.
- Various reusable npm packages, like pacote, cacache, make-fetch-happen, and more!
- I launched WeAllJS as an experiment in building healthy communities, and wrote the WeAllJS Code of Conduct for it.
- I launched package.community as a place for package manager devs to gather and share notes with each other!
- I wrote a widely-shared and used article about inclusion of non-binary folks in "women's spaces"!
What I'm Working On
- I'm one of the lead developers on orogene, a brand-new JavaScript/Node platform and package manager.
- I admin WeAllJS and package.community and help keep them happy, healthy, inclusive communities.
- I'm getting involved with the Rust ecosystem, and already started writing libraries like ssri, and cacache. I'm looking forward to doing more for the Rust community as I keep learning the language and getting involved with various efforts! Maybe with Cargo?
- I participate in communities, providing mentorship and advice in relevant areas of expertise.
What Sponsorship Does
Aside from what the tiers get you, sponsoring me enables me to keep finding ways to contribute to communities, both in code/tools, and in community work, and it helps me justify spending time on this outside of the scope of my day job!